Friday, October 30, 2009

DAY 33 ALKALINE YEAR Art: Ancestral, Fine, & of Avoidance

Today was a good ol' alkaline day, no surprises, no major temptations.  Spent the afternoon helping to hang a show, Honoring Our Ancestors, at our Senior Center. So many journeys people have made all over the world, whose descendants wind up here! The great grandparents of one vibrant woman came from China on a junk to Monterey, California, and started the fishing industry there.  The parents of another island couple both were painters; one was a house painter and one was a fine arts painter!

One person who helped a lot with the  Ancestors show, Jackie Kempfer, had just come from putting together her new studio.  She is meticulous and kind as well as being a fine artist.  As we only had one hammer, she wound up hanging most of it.  We all were so delighted by the variety of ancestors who showed up, figuratively speaking, that we decided to have a public reception the middle of next month.

Three of us stopped by our cultural center afterwards to see the opening of another show, this  one by students of Terry Johnson, himself an artist  of great scope and talent.  Most of his students are no slouches either.  I particularly liked the work of Bill Trogden, a retired architect who studied at Harvard with Gropius.  I easily avoided the hors d’oeuvres table as well as the wine bar, pat pat pat!

Another artist who helped hang Ancestors, Sue,  and her husband Bruce, came for dinner. Sue made apple pan dowdy for dessert and the men were most appreciative.  I cut up an apple for my dessert, explaining that I need to eat this way for a year because of the blog.  Thank you, blog!

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