Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back to the Basics!

DAY 68 January 6, 2010 After a five-week hiatus in which I’ve traveled from Washington state to Boston and then settled into Arizona for the winter, I've made a variety of food choices, tending toward alkaline/vegan but often with  a glass of wine at dinner, coffee, breads, and sometimes dessert, I’m ready to start this blog again and of course to rejoin Camp Alkaline.   For  the last few days, I’m been a devoted camper, and already am beginning to shed a bad cold that followed the poor eating choices.  I’ve also acquired a  couple of new outlooks: 1) to explore how eating choices  help or hinder my daily walking/jogging; and 2) to make my alkaline food look more attractive to both my husband and myself.

Toward Outlook Two,  in Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts gift shop, I found a handsome book, Great Chefs Cook Vegan, by Linda Long, who according to the inside cover blurb has been involved with vegan cookery for more than 30 years.  I can’t use all the recipes because some call for sugar  or artificial sweeteners, or for starches such as potatoes that are acid-forming, but the photography is wonderful and useful and many of the chef's dishes are adaptable.

Outlook One  will be easy to measure in another few weeks, as I  walk and jog nearly every day.  Our dog, Binka, goes with me, and if  I miss a day she responds by chewing up the furniture, which provides lots of motivation to get out there.  Using today as a baseline, we covered six-and-a-half miles in a leisurely hour and a half: 55 minutes walking the first 3.25 miles and 35 minutes jogging the last 3.25 miles. The times—15-minute miles overall, more than  10-minute miles on the jogging part--are far from the seven and eight-minute miles of my fifth decade; it will be fun to see if that can be whittled down without concomitant aches or pains.

I wish all readers a healthy, successful and joyous new year.

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