Sunday, November 1, 2009

DAY 35 ALKALINE YEAR Headstart on Holidays

Served hot soup to cold trick-or-treaters last night at church, where we gave out bracelets that lighted up instead of candy, and also “soul cake,” in small enough pieces so sugar highs wouldn’t come from us. (I skipped the cake and had a cup of bean soup, low acid-forming on the beans but also with lots of alkaline veggies.) The church is in the middle of our  village, where everyone comes to show off their costumes; many children and their folks came in also to walk the indoor version of our Labyrinth, this one on canvas.  We’ll have a permanent outdoor version by next spring.

At the church first-of-month breakfast this AM,  I feasted on  a dish of oatmeal (good moist oatmeal, low alkaline forming) with raisins, medium alkaline, a few green grapes (medium alkaline forming) and a mandarin orange (very alkaline forming).  Around lunchtime I had a grapefruit (medium alkaline)  and some sunflower seeds (low alkaline).

This afternoon was another festive occasion: the Garrisons’ annual cider pressing party. They have restored an old island orchard and the trees are prolific!  Childen and dogs frolic under the trees while everybody else gabs, eats, and takes turns with the pressing.  The leftover apple mash is thrown out to the deer, who in a few days will be staggering around under the influence. Apples and apple cider are usually  medium alkaline forming, but I wasn’t hungry, so spent the time visiting rather than eating.

Back home, with two good Scrabble games, I had a few handfuls of almonds and an avocado.  Jack having had dinner at the party, ate some almonds.

One of the reasons that so many people get sick during the holidays, I believe, is that they consume so many acidic foods, both while cooking and while attending parties.  If it makes them happy, great!  I prefer wellness.  So today was a fine headstart for the feast days to come!

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